Oxford Instrument’s series 5000 is a highly popular and proven side window x-ray tube.
Currently in use for many industrial applications, the 5000 series features an electron gun
assembly packaged in a stainless steel lead-lined tube with a choice of mounting flange.
This provides X-Ray shielding to 0.25mR/hr at 2 inches. The tube is filled with an Oxford
designed cooling oil that maximizes heat dissipation. The package can be supplied with a
high voltage well connector or air excluding connector and a triax connector for the filament
supply. The tube is to be operated in a positive anode mode with the filament
grounded. The standard exit window is 0.005 inch Be.
SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss:: PPN 9933006699
XX--RRaayy TTeecchhnnoollooggyy
275 Technology Circle
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Telephone (831) 438-5742
FAX (831) 438-5629
E-mail: Sales@OxfordXTG.com Web site: WWW.OxfordXTG.com
Anode current 0 to 1.0 mA
Anode (target) voltage 4Kv to 50Kv
Maximum power 50 watts continuous
Filament V/I 2.0V / 1.7 A @ 50W
Cone irradiation angle Approx. 24 degrees
Stability 0.2% over 4 hours
Focal spot size 70 μm: (L+W)/2
Anode W, 12 degree
Exit window Be: 125 μm
Dimensions 163.4 mm length by 69.8
mm diameter
weight 4 lbs (1816 grams)
Cooling method Forced air
Qty 1-5 Qty 6 – 20 Qty 21-50 Qty 51-100 Qty 101- Qty 250+
$3269 $2850 $2690 $2532 $2375 $2215
PPrriiccee sscchheedduullee
Warning: This device produces radiation through the enclosure
(<0.5MR/Hr) as well as the exit port. Use only in a shielded apparatus.
Focal spot